As in the last 2 years, Konrad visited the WikiCite event again and took the opportunity to do a couple of interviews with participants.
„WikiCite 2018 is a 3-day conference, summit, and hack day dedicated to the vision of creating an open repository of bibliographic data to support the citation and fact-checking needs of Wikimedia projects, and possibly, to serve as an open infrastructure for research, education, and information quality across the web.“
This interview is with Finn Årup Nielsen about the Scholia, a tool to handle scientific bibliographic information through Wikidata. Enjoy!
As in the last 2 years, Konrad visited the WikiCite event again and took the opportunity to do a couple of interviews with participants.
„WikiCite 2018 is a 3-day conference, summit, and hack day dedicated to the vision of creating an open repository of bibliographic data to support the citation and fact-checking needs of Wikimedia projects, and possibly, to serve as an open infrastructure for research, education, and information quality across the web.“
WikiCite draws a quite a diverse crowd, so this episodes gives a number of voices from the „event floor“. After a short introduction to the idea behind the event you’ll be introduced to quite a number of participants sharing their background and motivation to take part in WikiCite 2018. And if you ever wandered what goes on in a hackathon, you’ll hear about it too as Konrad interviewed some of the participants from the hackathon at day 3. Enjoy!
Nach den letzten Episoden mit jeweiligen Themenfokus gibt es diese Mal wieder einer eher „klassische“ Episode. Wobei, etwas Besonderes ist es doch, denn zum einen bin ich zu Gast bei Konrad in Köln (und wir sitzen uns gegenüber), zum anderen nehmen wir genau das zum Anlaß ein wenig mehr Einblick in Konrad’s neue Wirkungsstätte, das ZB MED Informationszentrum für Lebenswissenschaften, zu nehmen. Daneben gehen wir noch auf ein paar News ein, allen voran die Entwicklungen rund um Plan S, aber auch andere (u.a. ein paar Podcastempfehlungen).
Kurze Service-Anmerkung: wir saßen in einem sehr halligen Raum und auch wenn wir das recht gut in den Griff bekommen haben, manchmal hört man dann doch noch etwas Hall – wir hoffen das stört nicht. Zudem hatten wir auch noch etwas Pech and zwei Stellen unserer regulären Aufnahme, sodass wir für die Dauer von ein paar Minuten auf die Backupaufnahme zurückgreifen mussten, die leider noch einmal etwas halliger ist.
Trotz allem, viel Spaß!
As you have recognized, Open Science Radio was again attending the Barcamp Open Science as well as the Open Science Conference. This episode is a wrap-up of the 2018 run of those two (related) events, again together with Guido Scherp, one of the organizers (you’ll know him by now). Guido is providing his impressions from the two events, we share ours and discuss a few things in general, as well as a few of the talks in more detail.
And now, have fun!
We met Daniel Mietchen who just moderated a session at #oscibar about scholia, a service that provides „academic profiles“ based on Wikidata.