According to dictionaries „101“ refers to introductory lessons or beginners overview or tutorials. Over the course of this podcast we already have taken this approach a couple of time (e.g. on Open Access). But as technology and processes develop, might be useful to do this again from time to time. This time we want to take a brief look at the whole research cycle and try to provide a bit of information about a few general entry points for doing research more openly. This 101 is by far not exhaustive and makes no claim to be complete, but our aim was to show you some starting points from where you could dive deeper into the matter if you like. Have fun!
Alle Artikel mit dem Schlagwort: Open Science 101
OSR054 Kündigt Eure Netflix Abos – Tools rund ums Schreiben und Publizieren
Das Verfahren des wissenschaftlichen Publizierens hat sich in den vergangenen Jahren in seinen Grundzügen nicht maßgeblich verändert. Was sich allerdings erheblich verändert hat ist das Angebot an unterschiedlichen Tools die uns heutzutage für das Verfassen und Veröffentlichen wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten zur Verfügung stehen. Gemeinsam mit Katrin vom KonScience Podcast werfen wir einen Blick in die Werkzeugkiste und schauen wie der moderne Prozess rund ums Schreiben aussehen kann. Und ja, wir sprechen erst einmal nur über die Tools für den Publikationsprozess wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten und lassen die Publikation von Daten erst einmal außen vor. Das soll an anderer Stelle dann Thema sein. Viel Spaß beim Hören!
OSR053 Sprint report „Open Science 101“ at #mozsprint 2016 [EN]
As you might have heard in earlier episode we came up with the idea of trying to develop an open science curriculum (and teaching material) for the general concepts underlying the practices of open science. For kickstarting this project this year’s Mozilla Science Global Sprint, which ended today, came in really handy. And after two days of great with with a number of contributors from various countries and backgrounds we’ve made quite some progress. This was a great experience and as Konrad says in the episode, this was a sprint and what follows is the marathon to build on this and continue from there. So hopefully you’ll keep hearing about the project from us as we will continue working on it. If you wanna contribute, you are invited to join us!
For now, have fun listening to Konrad, Andreas and Markus with an introduction to the project and a short sprint report.
OSR052 Science 2.0 Barcamp and Conference Wrap-Up #s20bar [EN]
As you certainly have recognized, we have published a couple of short episodes from the Barcamp Science 2.0, the event organized by the Leibniz Research Alliance Science 2.0 in connection to their annual Science 2.0 conference. This episode is a short wrap-up together with Guido Scherp, one of the organizers of the Barcamp (you know him from episode 40 already). Guido is providing his impressions from the two events, we share ours and discuss a few things.