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OSR192 Marie Farge on her Vision of the Scholarly Publishing System #oscibar [EN]

This episode was recorded at the Barcamp Open Science 2020 in Berlin but is not a summary of a session. Instead you can look forward to a deeper discussion with Marie Farge in which she presents her vision of the scholarly publishing system. In the suggested szenario, journals are owned by their editorial boards and are running on publicly funded infrastructure (classic platinum Open Access) which ensure proper peer-review by the community of a field. She also elaborates the important role of commercial publisher which should run multidisciplinary journals for the popularisation of science and the translation of new findings to a broader public.

Many of the ideas discussed are described in the chapter Marie contributed to the European Commission’s publication Europe’s Future: Open Science, Open Innovation, and Open to the World (edited by Carlos Moedas). A PDF-version of her chapter is publically available.